The 1970s

ACWW Triennial Conference, Oslo, 1971
Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Solly, Lady Campbell and Mrs. T. Jones represented the League at this Conference.
Mrs. RITA SANT, Chairman 1973-1976
Some of Mrs. Sant's early work for the League was in arranging hospitality for large numbers of ratings from H.M. Ships visiting Mombasa. She had been Chairman of Executive and first a Vice Chairman in 1969.
Visits of Mrs. Farquharson, ACWW President 1975
The ACWW Triennial Conference in Perth, Australia, accepted the invitation of the delegates from the Maendeleo ya Wanawake to hold the next Triennial Conference in Nairobi. Mrs. Farquharson visited the EAWL and the Maendeleo in Kenya in 1975, and preparations for the conference started. It was held in the Kenyatta Conference centre in October 1977
Thika Branch celebrated their Golden Jubilee in 1975.
Phyllis Brown Memorial
The first project initiated under Mrs. Thomson's Chairmanship was a fund in memory of Mrs. Phyllis Brown. As Mrs. Brown's main work had been for the Association for the Physically Disabled of Kenya, the fund was used to build a new office at the A.P.D.K, Clinic in Nairobi. Her Worship, the Mayor of Nairobi, Miss Margaret Kenyatta, opened the office in 1972.
Desk Diaries
1971 saw the first edition of the League's annual Desk Diary. The proceeds, 13,000/-, were presented to the Cancer Research Fund. Since then the League has published annually a diary or calendar in aid of League charities and National projects.

Mrs. Rita Sant

Laying the foundation stone of the pump house at Lodwar, The D.C. with the Hon. Mrs. Gachukia, Chairman, NCWK. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Margaret Smith, Chairmen EAWL Executive Committee.
Diamond Jubilee Fund
To mark the EAWL's sixty years of service, every Branch contributed towards the Diamond Jubilee Fund. This Fund was used to buy, for the Radio Therapy Unit at the Kenyatta National Hospital, a new radium tube for the treatment of skin cancer.
Water for the Women of Lodwar
Water development is Kenya's biggest enterprise in the 1970's and when Mrs. Eddah Gachukia, M.P., Chairman of the N.C.W.K. called for assistance for the women of Lodwar in their self-help project to provide a permanent water supply, the League's response was generous. Mrs. Sant presented a cheque for Shs. 10,000/- to Mrs. Gachukia at the A.G.M. of 1975. Later that year Mrs. Anderson traveled to Lodwar and laid a foundation stone.
Mrs. JEAN ANDERSON, MBE, Chairman 1976
It is fitting that Mrs. Anderson's third term as Chairman would include the celebration of the League's Diamond Jubilee, for she had been an officer of the League continuously for more than forty years, and has acted as Hon. Treasurer for the previous ten years.

Mrs. Rita Sant presents a cheque to the Hon. Mrs. Edda Gachukia, MP, for the ‘Water for the Women of Lodwar Scheme’. Right, Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Fernandes, Vice Chairman.